Hello, 2015! We have plans for you.

I received the tentative list of inns booked for June! This is getting real. An average of 12 miles per day still seems like just a number. Maybe it’s best if I keep it that way as long as possible.

Meanwhile I have a few months left to be thirty-something. Then I’ll need to buckle down and start doing something with my life. I still have time if I act now, right? RIGHT?!

2015, you are the first chapter of the rest of my life story. Long or short, comedy or tragedy, I have a feeling it will at least be a page-turner. Now where’s my corkscrew?

2 thoughts on “Hello, 2015! We have plans for you.”

    1. Those are the only 3 places that were called out by name. Other places just said there was food nearby. We will get food in you! Almost every day even! And cider? 😀

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