Nothing but blue skies

A food delivery truck parked right outside our breakfast window this morning, and it took us a while to notice. That cloud looks like… Cauliflower? But the blue skies and sun draw no special attention on this trek. It’s been mostly gorgeous since St. Bees.

Yesterday, however, we had the first rain that qualified as more than the welcome, brief, refreshing drizzle we had experienced a few times previously. I still didn’t bother with my raincoat or rain cover for my backpack, but I did put the waterproof cover on my front camera holster.  Priorities!

This is all to say the weather has consistently disappointed. I was expecting rain every day, and instead it’s been boring California weather. I feel like I’m missing the true experience of Northern England. And you know what? I’m going to find a way to be okay with that.

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