Day 6: Lakes of the Clouds


Today we left Mitzpah at 9am and headed up the hill. We were in the clouds, or right under them, the whole way up, including at the summit of Mt. Pierce.


We found a geocache In a cave on the far side of Mt. Eisenhower.


There was a lot of up. So much so that they even provided ladders. We’re still waiting for the escalators to be installed.


Anyone know where I can get a cairn?


This view looking down from Mt. Franklin was breathtaking. You’ll have to take my word for it.


At the top of Monroe we saw this coming our way. We increased our pace, but a minute later it was raining hard enough that I had to put my camera away. Then it changed to driving rain, and then to hail.


It started clearing and we realized the hut — and Mt. Washington — were right in front of us!


Maurice and Emily emerged from the fog close behind the rest of us.


I just ate 3 bowls of corn chowder, and am blogging away while the others play Scrabble.


This is the best hut ever. I visited with Dad many years ago, and we stopped in for soup or hot chocolate or something on our way down from the summit. I’ve wanted to come back ever since. ~20 years later, here I am!

2 thoughts on “Day 6: Lakes of the Clouds”

  1. Lakes of the Clouds IS the best! The name itself is part of the magic. I think we stopped for a bowl of stew. Food always tastes better on a hike! (and is less fattening, too 🙂

    Maybe you also remember hiking (on a day that Paul was with us, too) from that hut, up to the summit, in a cloud that was SO thick that we couldn’t see each other. We could only stick together by talking. Luckily we all weren’t a foot taller or we wouldn’t have been able to look down and see the trail!

    I am glad you are having an adventure and that you are “filming” it. The pictures are terrific!

    Before you know it, your kids will be racing you to the top!

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