Dibble was taking the 9:30am cog railway up to the summit, so we left Lakes Hut at 8:30, aiming to meet up around 10am.
MacGyver built a radar installation here. It was weird to stumble across this in the middle of the alpine wilderness. It slowly rotates it’s death ray around.

Here’s one of the namesake lakes with Washington looming over us in the distance.

The line of sight between Lakes of the Clouds and the summit is deceptive. It looks like a half-hour scramble, but really takes about 3 times that long.

After reaching the summit and visiting the Tip Top House, Dibble’s train arrived, and he had a birthday cake in stow.

Happy birthday, Laurie!!

Before leaving the summit, we visited the 9/11 Memorial Geocache and dropped off a rock decorated by Dibble’s son, Sawyer.

On the way down, Maurice decides to end it all.

Luckily the cog train only goes 5 MPH and I was able to talk him down in time.

It was a pretty serious hike from Washington to Clay to Jefferson to Adams. Doesn’t Harrison look serious?

The rain finally caught up with us before reaching Madison. But the wind dried us off pretty well as we picked carefully over the minefield of boulders that constituted a “trail.” The fun ended at the front door of Madison Spring Hut aka the Mad House.

We ended our night at Madison Hut with one of the Young Marines beating Moe, Emily, and Harrison at Scrabble. It’s nice to be humbled once in a while!