The Moonrise Over Flat Head Lake

Traveling and Vlogging

As most of you know, I was very skeptical about taking this trip. (And that hasn’t changed. Ha!) So to keep things fun, I’m trying my hand at vlogging my perspective of this whole thing. Here is the first one that will tell you a lot about our big travel day from NC to MT!

Hopefully the quality and orientation will improve on the next one!
And no I have no idea what that tapping is. Sorry, Emily!

The photo at the top of this post is the one I mentioned in the video. No photo can ever capture how things look from the naked eye. Sigh… Trust me. It was magical. Or maybe it was just the fact that my family was sleeping and I was binging The Ballad of Billy Balls podcast. (Thanks for the rec, Dawn! I may or may not have bawled at the end!)

And lastly, I have to share this gem from Harry on the plane. As we began our descent into Montana and the Rocky Mountains came into view he said, “Mom, if I had emotion tears, I would cry right now because I can’t wait to get into the RV. ”

Me too, kid. I might cry, but I don’t think it’s because I’m excited. Not yet anyway…

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