RV Kitchen Tour and Chores!

The second day we were in the RV, we woke up to this gorgeous view in Montana from West Glacier KOA. You can see Benj taking care of his most important chore above! One thing I negotiated into this trip agreement was that I will never empty the “black tank!” So far so good!

Before I left the Outer Banks, my girl Stephanie gifted me this book! How sweet is that? (Love you!) I read it on the 1st flight and spent the 2nd flight making my grocery/supply list. It was a great way to get into the mindset of RV cooking!

Without knowing it ahead of time, the best thing we did on our first full day was to plan NOTHING! Thank goodness because I spent FIVE HOURS getting everything organized into every nook and cranny imaginable. I think it was really the only way I could function. Especially in the kitchen! Check out the crazy kitchen tour here!

I am having issues with a tapping noise on all my videos. Both me and the Apple guy have not been able to solve this. Sigh…

Just like at home, there are always other chores to do. And the dishes things is true! If I cook, everyone else does the dishes. At home I do both so this is a nice change for me! There is something to be said for just having less stuff around. Not as much to clean! Some people traveling with us are more agreeable about chores and having their pictures taken. (I think that’s what the kids call shade being thrown?)

My little love doing the dishes in West Glacier…
And taking out the trash in East Glacier!

We’ve had breakfast every morning in the RV and half our lunches and dinners. I just love taking food photos and I think it’s been kind of fun figuring out meals that will work well for us. Here is a pic of dinner in process another night. This is a meal my mom introduced me to a long time ago and it’s a family favorite: Giant batch of yellow squash, zucchini, and diced tomatoes over brown rice with kielbasa (or veggie burgers if you’re Benj)! So easy and yummy!

Thanks, Mom!

And lucky for me, my family doesn’t care if I tell them I don’t want to cook. This was especially true when we were staying at St. Mary’s/East Glacier KOA. You wanna know why?

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