The Best Kept Secrets of South Dakota

To my lucky readers, I’m still alive! Neither this trip nor my late night visits to the campground bathrooms have killed me yet! And good thing since our last day in South Dakota was a keeper!

We kind of stumbled upon Windcave National Park.  After mapping out our day, we realized this park would be a nice, easy stop.  And boy it did not disappoint!

First, there were prairie dogs running EVERYWHERE.  They are really cute when you’re in a car.  

But then we spotted our first bison!!! Wow! Who knew that seeing bison would be so flippin’ cool.  But it was.  I’m not even sure they are awake.  They stand there frozen in place. Weirdest thing but damn, we really enjoyed looking out for them around every curve in the road!

And after a recommendation by my dear friend Stephen, we planned to swing by Mammoth Site.  You must make this a stop when you’re in South Dakota. I have come to really appreciate a well done experience and Mammoth Site was awesome!

There was an informative video to start the tour.  It does such a good job explaining how they think the Mammoths fell into the sink hole.  Excellent details without being too hard to follow. This was followed up by a live audio tour of the actual site.  Who doesn’t love a good audio tour?!

It really blew our minds!  The fact that they have unearthed 61 mammoth skeletons so far and they know there are more and more the deeper you go is totally nuts!  

Harry really loved the experience and said it was his favorite spot of the week!   

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