After mixed reviews for South Dakota, we headed off to start our week in Colorado. The first stop was to Rocky Mountain National Park. We didn’t do anything there except a long scenic drive but we wanted to check this one off our list and get our National Park Passport cancellation stamp! We actually love going into the visitor centers at each park/monument, getting our book stamped, and then watching whatever movie they offer on the site. Comfy seats, air conditioning, and a little learnin’ for your ass!

Then it was onto Boulder! We planned to stay with our friends Mike and Teal at their mountain top paradise affectionately known as Wind Song Mountain Lodge and Spa. And wow, what a treat it was! A real bed and real people other than my family! If that’s not heaven to this extrovert who loves her sleep, I don’t know what is!
Backing up a bit for those who don’t know: Mike and Benj met each other at a nerdy high school, also known as Mass Academy. Mike and I met at a frat party at WPI. Same, same. A few years ago, we connected the dots, met his lovely wife Teal, and fell in together like old friends. This trip, though, was the first time they met the kids, and for us, their sweet dog Bhakti! Harry was especially smitten!

Okay, so back to Boulder. After we realized we had to abandon the RV about half way up to their house, Mike rescued us in his Subaru and we were greeted with an amazing dinner on their back deck overlooking the mountain side. Sublime!
The next morning was packed full of the Boulder Farmer’s Market, a picnic lunch in the park, and swing by the Flat Irons for a photo op!

We did some hiking in the afternoon and after some showers, we headed off to Pearl Street for some shopping and dinner!

Then next morning they spoiled us AGAIN with an amazing, beautiful brunch on the deck and sent us on our way with a batch of home brew cold brew. We loved Boulder, Bhakti, and, of course, spending some quality time with dear friends.
Though perhaps my favorite part of the weekend was when someone in our party messed with this puzzle at a store and it fell all over the floor and we all frantically tried to get it put back together before our dinner reservation.

Oops! I’ll let you guess who it might have been! Hahaha!