It was bound to happen. You can’t show your kids this big, beautiful world and not expect them to want to go off and explore it! Just look at him whitewater rafting in Durango, CO! PURE JOY! Don’t get me wrong, he mopes and complains a lot. But then there are those moments where he is just living his best life!
Hiking: Speak softly and carry a BIG stick. Preferably the biggest one you can carry.

Hot Springs: Definitely go because you might get lucky and see naked people. But maybe don’t tell your parents this because then they will take you to the place where clothes are not optional.

Coffee: If you beg your mother enough, she will give in eventually. (Ha, it was decaf!)

ATV: A little boy’s dream come true! As long as you go slow and wear a helmet! (I can’t believe I actually let him do this, but he only drove off the road once. Trying to say yes more on this trip!)

And finally, Harry has decided he is moving to Frisco, CO. We met up with Benj’s friend Melissa from growing up in Sterling. She has two very active teenage boys and Harry loved every minute of our time with them. They snowboard, skateboard, scooter, mountain bike, you name it! And now Harry is dying to try all of these things! I caught a great video of him and Mitchell flying down the hill!
Thank you, Melissa and boys, for showing us around your ‘hood! It was a blast and we look forward to visiting Harry there again soon! LOL!