Utah, We Are In You

We spent today driving to Utah so I thought I would give you a bit of “a day in the life” for us on this trip!

First, as you can see above, we take a photo at every new state line! It’s super fun and nearly all of them have a great pull-off area!(Except you Arizona! Lame!)

Next, when we see a cool spot and we have time, we pull-off to take some pictures and stretch our legs.

One of us stretches more than others…

One of us build cairns and then right after jumps off a rock and rolls into spiny grass and comes running with hundreds of barely visible spines all over his body…

One of us sometimes refuses to cook and presents this type of meal to her family.

And one of us books super beautiful campgrounds (Like Dead Horse Point State Park!) with amazing views, spectacular sunsets, and gorgeous stargazing! It’s Benj, BTW.

Stay tuned for a bunch of fun-filled updates from Utah! We’re planning to hit ALL FIVE National Parks (and then some!) while we are here! Wish us luck!

5 thoughts on “Utah, We Are In You”

  1. I love it all! The blogs, the vlogs, the stretches and the spiney grass and the meals and the beautiful campground descriptions! I am so glad that you are having this amazing experience!

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