We Needed Some Space

So we decided to each spend some time in a different state. Ha! You all know we traveled into Navajo Nation and hit the four corners today! While everyone else in line took ho-hum photos in a group, we decided to be a little extra.

This area ALSO meant we could check off two more states on our list! As I mentioned before Arizona gets the award for lamest state sign pull-off area. Totally not as safe or as cool as the rest! But we will take it!

And I think my family gets coolest award for how bad-ass they are in New Mexico! This area feels a little too “Breaking Bad” for my liking.

Another thing we do in each state is find a geocache! Four corners literally has a virtual on EACH corner of the monument! Done and done and done and done!

And in case you are curious, I only have 4 states left on my license plate search: West Virginia, Delaware, Alabama, and you guessed it, Hawaii! Wish me luck!

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